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  • Writer's pictureAnnali Swiegers

Corona Virus and Astrology

An-fold 14/03/2020

So, here we thought money makes the world go round... Ha!!

Corona came along, a tiny, tiny virus and stopped the world! She speaks louder than money, who would have thought it is even possible?

She inspires us in a whole new way! Fear/Saturn of death/Pluto!

Interesting to see how easily we can be rendered (Pluto) powerless on this physical plain called Earth.

How does this show up in Astrology?

We have had the Pluto/Saturn conjunction/together in Capricorn, since December 2019, although it has been building up, through last year. We are talking about very slow moving planets. There was an exact hit in January 2020, but we will deal with the change and aftermath for the rest of this year.

Capricorn, the sign of business, making money, status and authority, ambition and the physical manifestation of energy in the world.

Pluto the planet of transformation and power. The karma you have no control over, if you resist, you suffer. The seed/Pluto falling in the soil/death, bringing forth something new/birth.

Saturn is the planet of responsibility, authority and boundaries. It constricts and brings fear if not adhered to.

Saturn also rules time and structure.

Mix the three;

It is time to take responsibility for the abuse of power. Reap what you have sown in the past/karma, the negative patterns we repeat.

Authorities have been exposed, called out to own up to the bad boundaries and the abuse of power in all aspects. Money, borders, strategies, rules and laws.

Now we add Jupiter in a fallen state to the mix; Jupiter expands and makes whatever it touches bigger, being in a fallen state in Capricorn, we see him expanding and spreading the negative of the situation. That is also why things are exposed.

Add Mars which entered Capricorn in February, Mars is the planet of action, drive, ambition and in top performance in Capricorn.

But... Mars also rules fever and infection.

So there we have Corona showing up as the tool to bring the transformation needed so desperately in the world.

Hand in hand with Jupiter we are challenged and inspired to change in a way where we have little or no control/Saturn.

We can expect to have this whole situation coming to a peak over the next week.

On the 18th of March, the Moon will shine her light on the situation and Mars will join the other 4 planets in Capricorn. This will probably be the peak of the spread of the virus.

As we close the borders/Saturn, we will constrict/Saturn the spreading/Jupiter of the disease. We are warned to take personal responsibility for the infection/Mars by washing our hands etc.

Saturn will move out of Capricorn on the 21st of March, into Aquarius, the sign of groups of people. We will then deal with the effect that the situation had on humanity as such. We will definitely see businesses change, imports will be restricted and the world will indeed be changed by one tiny virus.

It is a year of change on every level connected to money, status, boundaries, responsibility and power.

Jupiter will bring opportunities forth and new doors will be opened as the seeds drop in the soil. Expect to be challenged to change, to let go, to adapt, to get unstuck. Nobody will be left untouched by this. The ones who are ready to dance with the flow of Life, will reap the benefit. The ones who resist, will suffer.

Time to take responsibility for Self and act in love.

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